Rural Museum at Konark
Young India, has taken initiation to collect the traditional rural tools bearing art of local folk designs as remembrance of our past.
India is a nation of different Art, Culture, language, festivals etc. But, due to ultra-modern inventions and technology and globalization the nation losing its specialty. With the flow of time rural Orissa also losing its unique beauty.
In rural area of Orissa, ’Dhenki’ was a used as churning the rice, but after utilization of rice mills, it lost its identification. Like it ‘Pan Batua’ (beetle bag), Guakati (Peanut cutter), Sindoor pedi (kumkumBox) Talapatri jhampi (a cap made from palm-leaf) etc are now going to be extinct in name of modernization.
Young India, has taken initiation to collect these rural-tools bearing art of local folk designs as remembrance to our fore fathers. It will also beneficial & point of attraction for the tourists to see , think & research about rural Orissa.