Major Activities conducted

Young India, a nonprofit making youth organization formed by some National Youth Awardee, Indira Gandhi NSS Awardee & Ex-NSS volunteers working with major focus on the strategic thrusts like , Youth Development ,Local Self Governance, Women Empowerment, Human Rights & Food Security since last 22 years & has received National Youth Award this year during National Youth Festival at Bhubaneswar as best youth organization of the country.

Radio Namaskar is the brain child of Young India is established at Konark, aims to ensure non-disruptive communication congeniality all along for mass, more particularly for the benefit of people in remote areas where communication de-link is a regular problem due to certain obvious reasons including demographical and technical factors associated with their day to day life. Radio Namaskar is continuing its programme episodes with involvement of local youths & intellectuals, has got noted impact within this period. It is also the only community radio of the country which has special web portal & going to be first internet radio of the country through its portal

Young India has started a web portal, the such type only portal in the country to promote database of Indian volunteers committed to the dissemination of information and promotion of sustainable development initiatives, in response to the needs of underrepresented and marginalized section of society.
For bridging the data gap and improving information availability we are committed to develop and establish an ideal medium for the Participation and exchange of a trusted and accurate source of quality information. Along with a mission to promote database of Indian volunteers who they are committed for common cause of the society & to built up a networking system among them through which common actions would be taken.

A national level youth congregation entitled “Konark Youth Fest” is being organized at Konark every year in last week of December by Young India aims in recognizing the youth population of India belong to one blood and to utilize it to fighting back the social evils, factionalism, bigotry, dogmatic social taboos & superstitions with sense of nationalism, scientific mind, up-holding our cultural heritage and enriched tradition through performing art of various part of the country.

Young India has taken vibrant initiative to promote youth participation in local self-governance & also sensitized thousands youth of the country to promote voluntarism among them. Young India has taken noted step in propagation of Right to Information Act 2005 & leading a networking of youth organizations i.e. NAMASKAR . During the process lots of people have been benefited. ‘Suchana Shree’ is the State Level Award for the RTI crusaders of Orissa is initiated by young India for recognizing effective RTI practices having sound development impact on lives of communities and citizens at grass root level. With the emergence of corruption as the greatest public enemy, the relevance of the Right to Information Act has become all the more relevant in a region like Orissa. So the citizens who have used RTI & shown impact in community should be recognized. Young India intended for rejuvenate and energize these activists by recognizing their work and to spread their glorious works among the masses of the State & Country.

-Participatory planning process in the adopted villages

-Formation of Village Organisations & Federations of the Vos.

-Development of livelihood and disaster preparedness activities.

-Herbal medicine promotion and propagation

-Propagation of Food Security, Right to Information.

-Propagation of Gram Swaraj ideology and Panchayatiraj system.

-Training programme on different issues.

-Provided support to 40 rural farmers for Poultry Farming & 30 families for Sanitation.

-Organising Konark Youth Fest every year since 2001.

-Organising Youth Related Trainings/Meetings/Workshop’s.

-Integrated income Generation Programme, supported by CAPART (EZ)

-People’s Participatory process for Sustainable Development in Gop & Kakatpur Block Supported by E.E.D, German through SPAR, Kolkata.

-Swaraj programme on promotion of local self-governance in Gop & Kakatpur block in collaboration of Peaceful Society , Kundai Goa.

-National Environment Awareness Campaign Supported by Ministry of Environment & Forest (Govt. of India) & Dept. of Environment & Forest (Govt. of Orissa).

-Disaster Risk Management Programme in Simili G.P supported by UNDP &District Administration Puri.

-Youth & Women Empowerment Initiatives.

-Other issue based activities through PO, CBO, Rural Youth Club, and Mahila Mandals & SHGs.

-Promotion of SHG Federation in 5 GPs of Gop Block.

-Vocational trainings for promotion of rural livelihood.

Support service to the NGO/GOs/PRIs-

-Strengthening Panchayat Raj Institutions and making them transparent and accountable.

-Capacity building of Panchayati Raj Institutions to carry forward the governance in a desired manner.

-Assess & assimilate the views of the focal people to concentrated on various social problems & need/relevance of Right To Information Act 2005.

-Promotion of citizen based campaign with equal participation of all stake holders to establish a self-ruled, self- sufficient, exploitation free and peaceful society.

Il corpo di Samantha è coperto di sensori, e sono divisi in “famiglia” e “sexy”. Pertanto, Samantha reagirà in modo diverso quando lo semplicemente ne acquisterà dalla spalla e quando, ad esempio, tocca il La stimolazione “sexy” di Samantha incontra frasi come “andare avanti, carino!”, “Sei così gentile!” E “proviamo in modo diverso!”, Quindi non devo rilassarmi qui. Vero, finché Samantha può parlare solo inglese, quindi se hai problemi con esso, dovrai assumere un tutor allo stesso tempo.