Runaway: A Twist of Fate

Series Runaway I originated in 2002, in difficult times for quests, when the genre desperately needed new heroes: there were no more, others have not yet been born, and others were preparing to turn into sad vulgar clowns in a couple of years (see see. New Leisure Suit Larry ).

Young Spaniards from PENDULO Studios There was neither experience nor money (after the release of the first part they even closed for some time), nor many years of experience. Probably precisely because of this Runaway: A Road Adventure It turned out a very uneven work: the puzzles had problems with logic, and the script had arrhythmia. In places, the plot frankly sagged, in places he drove into a stupor banal or far -fetched situations. But here it was the main thing: the heroes whose charisma and energy could have several substations in frozen Petersburg, and the spirit of a classic two -dimensional adventure, bright and a little extravagant.

It was the Spaniards who dared to pick up the fallen out of their hands Lucasarts the banner and carried it further, albeit with visible labor. For this, they could forgive a lot, including the complete repetition of their own mistakes that happened five years later in Runaway 2: The Dream of the Turtle.

Today, the general situation in the genre has changed: in the year when Gaybrash Tripwood triumphantly returned to the stage, his named younger brother Brian Basco simply could not afford to hit his face in the mud. And therefore from Twist of Fate It turned out, perhaps, the perfect Runaway, in which the amazingly tenacious Pendulo Studios finally carried out a full -fledged work on errors.

Life after death

Brian Basco took everything from life, and then loudly demanded supplements. In the first two parts of Runaway, the student-physician managed to hoped the following: to knock down a luxurious stripper gin on the car, fall in love with her, meet with a gang of transvestites, circle the Italian mafia around the nose, escape to the tropical paradise with his beloved and a cash suitcase, get into a plane crash. Lost a gin in some lake, find yourself in a jungle in the company of Lemura Alcoholik, get into a confusing story with the participation of the military, mafia and aliens … Logic suggests that this way of life sooner or later brings either to the grave or to the mental hospital. But Brian and in this case did not exchange along the little things: he was already brought to the grave in a psychiatric hospital.

Unlike the first series, Runaway 2 ended in a vague way and left numerous questions without answers. The truth was shocking: Brian Basco was accused of killing a senior military man, sent to a specialized clinic for people with “special needs”, where he died while trying to escape. Therefore, the third part of the Runaway begins a demonstration of a tombstone with a Brian's name and the date of his death knocked out on it. And then the second shock: for the first time in the history of the series, we manage Gina, who specially came to the funeral of Basco. Shock, tears, several impressionable girls get the tombstone dirty with their lipstick. This is not enough for the authors: after the coffin was covered with earth, Gina receives SMS directly from the grave. The girls lose consciousness, and the Basco girlfriend, pulling himself together, begins to master the profession of a tomb ..

So was there a corpse? And whose? The plot in the third part first poses questions, and then gradually gives answers to them, returning the players to the past. Almost half the game takes place in flashbacks, the action constantly switches between heroes and temporary segments: in the present we control Gina and look for evidence of Brian's innocence in the murder, in the past we play for Basco in the house of sorrows, organize an escape and find the long -awaited answers to many uncomfortable questions.

At some point, the movement of time is finally normalized, but the Czech with heroes continues almost until the final credits. We will even be able to manage Brian's personal doctor: he communicates with the local sheriff and is waiting for a call from Gina, to which, in turn, you can switch at any time.

This form of presentation benefited the game for the benefit: Twist of Fate is in one breath, there was no script left from sagging and a trace. The authors are no longer trying to dump everything in one pile at once (aliens and the military flicker somewhere in the background), are not distracted by trifles, and therefore the story looks complete, clear. It is perceived as one of the Besson's comedy films: there are a lot of action, there are killings and the mafia (one of the mafia, by the way, is the name of Basabi), but in the first place – irony, humor and hilarious characters.

The latter on Twist of Fate a whole platoon. There is a guard of the hospital obsessed on Elvis: even about pills and hospital mode, he speaks with a velvet shudder in his voice so characteristic of the king that it is impossible to listen to him without laughter. There is a psycho who sits in front of a table tennis and imagines that he is going to California while the wheel of his car. When trying to talk with him, Brian reasonably remarks that he cannot speak with a person who rushes in a car at a huge speed. Another patient, presumably, suffers from a tourist syndrome and is ready to impose any topic proposed to him with selected obscenities. Already after the final credits, in the most unflattering words, he speaks about what he thinks about Runaway herself, her authors, dialogs and music.

Well, the developers wink about two hundred to the filmmakers two hundred times. The Spaniards did this in the first two parts of the series (the trio of transvestites from the first part – this, of course, is a reference to the Oscar -beon film “The Adventures of the Prucilles, Queen of Deserts”), but on Twist of Fate is already open – and sometimes quite witty – cinema cinema isnding faces. In the hospital, one of the patients, Mime, for about ten minutes of real time plays sketches in which we must learn scenes from the most diverse films – from old works by Marilyn Monroe to the “Lidge of Saturday Nights” and “Crime Fix”. Then we will meet a once successful screenwriter, and now a homeless man: he puts someone else's ideas, and among other things, he can be offered to remove the LEGO-REMICE “Citizen Kane”. Finally, there is a restaurant for actors, there is a waiter who is very convincingly building the legendary Gracho, one of the participants in the comic troupe of the Marx brothers.

All faces are familiar

When creating Runaway: and Twist of Fate, the authors clearly used the images of some well -known actors.

Spanish logic

The gameplay has not changed. The Spaniards are true to themselves: Puzzles in style Myst and other boring is not here. Everything is built on dialogs and manipulations with objects, but if you already moan, anticipating boring pixelhanting, do not rush – on Twist of Fate the authors greatly facilitated the players of life. There was a backlight of active points on the screen and the original system of tips resembling the work of the salvation service 911. In some other game, we would consider it all this by the desire to blindly follow fashion, but in the case of Runaway, such amendments seem justified: the player does not get stuck in routine and genre conventions, but concentrates completely on exciting history.

Problems with the logic characteristic of the two previous series Runaway are many times less, although, on the other hand, some completely unobvious situations come across-for example, it is difficult to guess that the laptop will be hidden inside the boot, which, in turn, lies At the bottom of the well. But even this is ultimately a quite logical explanation.

And, of course, it is hardly worth it to remind once again that in the puzzles the developers are constantly joking, although with varying success. We collect a capture for Mim from improvised materials (they need to be presented, of course, in an invisible box), communicate with the fan of the Santa Barbara television series, a cut of nails and a shallow of the armpits, we set the fan of Chuck Berry on the fan of Elvis Presley and what else is not We do.

* * *

On the third attempt, Pendulo Studios still pulled themselves together and seemed to have decided that it was really important for them in games. Pluses (stylish graphics, tastefully selected music, humor, charismatic heroes and exciting history) are spent even more, and cons (problems with logic, condo pixelhanting and sagging of the script) either disappeared altogether, or are well disguised. As a result, the best game in the series and an honorary third place in the hosted standings following the results of the past year. Banana!


Cool plotYes


Easy to masterYes

Evidence of expectations: 80%

Gameplay: 8

Graphics: 8

Sound and music: 9

Interface and management: 8

Waited? The third part of the game that entertained us while Sam, Max, Gybrash Tripwood and others were in a coma. An optimistic quest about an arrogant physicist, this time with simplified pixelhanting and almost without problems with logic.

Mania rating: 8.0


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